Many people from all over the world dream of it, but this desire is especially strong among people from the post-Soviet countries. Each person has their own justification of why the United States is better than their country. But here are the most common reasons:
High quality of life
In the USA, as in any other country, there are both rich and poor people. However, in America anyone, even the minimum wage worker, can afford to rent an apartment, buy a car and eat well. -
Political climate
Changing leadership – this is what most people in Post-Soviet countries dream about. Real democracy and honest presidential elections attract people from all over the world. -
Career opportunities
Whatever area you work in, be it education, medicine, marketing, technology, etc., you will always have opportunities of career growth. In Russia one hits a ceiling pretty fast. -
In the USA there are many coastal cities, and many parts of the country do not have winter weather. Travel here is much more affordable, and anyone can visit the most beautiful places of the country. -
Modern culture
Many people are surprised by the Western tradition of smiling to everyone. However, this is exactly what attracts so many people to the USA.